
Jig grinding, Circular grinding, Profile grinding & Face grinding


[Translate to English:] Rundschleifen
[Translate to English:] Schleifen
[Translate to English:] Profilschleifen
[Translate to English:] Koordinatenschleifen
[Translate to English:] Flachschleifen
[Translate to English:] Koordinatenschleifen

Jig grinding

Via CAD/CAM-connection inline- and outline contours as well as fit-up holes in steel and hard metal with extremely high and reproducible precision can be drilled in a given position.  Application area ranges from die-plates, punching frames, templates, stamps/dies up to spare parts of all kinds.


Circular grinding

Here precision work is done for grinding of circular inline- and outline contours – as well as asymmetrical contours – very minutely. Additionally we offer the possibility to grind forms like e.g. polygons by ovalization grinding. We work on corrugation, stamps/dies, corrugations with outlines, bore holes and cutting inserts made of steel, hard metal and ceramics.


[Translate to English:] Profilschleifen

Profile grinding

With profile grinding the outer outlines are precisely grinded e.g. on stamps/dies, cutting parts or other spare parts of all kinds made of steel and hard metal.


Face grinding

Precise grinding of surfaces made of steel and hard metal, applicable e.g. for die-plates as well as spare parts of all kinds.


[Translate to English:] Flachschleifen